Friday, 28 September 2012

Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital-Archives Of Internal Medicine-National Institute Of Health

NY Times Cites New Comprehensive Study on Efficacy of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is the use of tools on the superficial
aspect of the body to effect change of the life force
or Qi in the bodyA new study funded by the National Institute of Health and headed by researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, has been published in the The Archives of Internal Medicine. It is the most rigorous and comprehensive western study of acupuncture and its effects to date, involving data on over 18,000 patients.
The study involving over thirty researchers from around the world, using the raw data of the most sophisticated trials to date, took six years to complete.
The study showed that acupuncture outperformed sham (placebo acupuncture) and standard western care therapies in pain relief.
It showed that over 50% of acupuncture patients suffering from chronic pain issues such as arthritis, migraines, and back pain, received relief in comparison to 30% of patients receiving western standard care.
The authors of this study showed statistically that the positive therapeutic effects of acupuncture were more than placebo effects.
For those of us who understand the power of East Asian medicine, this comes as no surprise, but for many people unfamiliar with acupuncture, this study will help open their perspective and willingness to  understand the wealth of healing strategies offered by East Asian medicine.
I encourage you to read the NY Times article at this link:
NY Times Cites Study on Efficacy of Acupuncture in New Groundbreaking Study. read more..

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