This is one of the most common questions I get in my NYC acupuncture clinic. The acupuncture point prescriptions will differ between patients, but also will change over time within one treatment plan. Acupuncture is highly focused on treating the correct imbalance at the correct time. As the acupuncture treatment progresses, the imbalances will change [...] read more..
Physiological affects of acupuncture: It affects our brains ... why do you think it's so relaxing?
I tell my students all the time that acupuncture affects the brain. Here is an interesting read about MRI studies and acupuncture. read more..
Acupuncture reduces negative effect of stress on the body.
Have some stress in your life? Acupuncture reduces negative effect of stress on the body. I tell people this all the time but no Georgetown U says so! read more..
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